Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures
John F. Kennedy
Aims and Objectives
- To conduct research in the areas of security, peace building, conflict management and good governance; and to engage policy makers to find sustainable solutions based on data driven research.
- To provide training for “ Peace Ambassadors” “Policy Makers” and other “Change Agents” who would work with and empower their people and communities to build peace and manage conflict without violence.
- To develop and implement programmes that shall seek to promote positive inter group relations and good neighbourliness; and to rebuild-the broken walls of honesty, integrity, trust, patriotism and nationalism
- To partner with relevant stakeholders working in areas of peacebuilding, conflict management and security to foster a more inclusive, peaceful and secure Nigeria.
- To provide a platform for the recruitment and training of volunteers, with a view to resuscitating and promoting the cherished tradition of volunteerism and community service in our institutions and neighbourhoods.