Setforth Nigeria Organization

About us

SetForth Nigeria is a volunteer, non-political and not-for-profit organisation with grassroots membership.

It was founded in the wake of the 2019 general elections in Nigeria and the attendant centrifugal and divisive fissures. It was registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria, Abuja in 2021.

Setforth Organization
is an assemblage of like-minded professionals with the mandate to reclaim the soul of Nigeria from purveyors of ethnic, religious, political and related primordial bigotry, hate, division, mistrust, anarchy and bloodshed; and from economic predators and saboteurs. Its chosen path is to change the present negative and poisonous narratives about Nigeria and her great peoples, by restoring hope, trust and faith in Nigeria and among Nigerians, and by rebuilding the broken walls of patriotism, nationalism, honesty, integrity and commitment to the common good.
How We Work
We work with and through volunteers in schools, churches, mosques, markets and neighbourhoods to purge society of hateful and divisive dispositions of ethnic, religious, political and related forms; to promote inter-group trust and co-existence and engineer the emergence of the dream Nigeria where all feel happy, secure and obligated to. The ultimate goal is to build ONE BIG NIGERIAN COMMUNITY where one is for all and all are for one without the interference of creed, faith, gender or race. SetForthNigeria Organisation was envisioned to be an amass movement working in partnership with the government, private sector, academia, the traditional institution, clergies, development partners and all lovers of peace to midwife a new Nigeria where all shall live in peace, harmony and security regardless of tribe or creed.

Our Board of Trustees

The organisation is driven by a 5-man Board of Trustees with the sole responsibility of articulating and maintaining the organisation’s vision and mission, reviewing and creating policies, ensuring sustainability, evaluating performance and supporting staff. The Board meets once annually to review performance and set targets.

Sign Up as a Volunteer

Volunteering is a two way street that benefits you and the society. Your positive endeavours have an impact on society, while you ,make new connections, expand your social network and improve your social skills.